Get it Free While You Can: “Total Flirt” Free on Kindle, Apple and Nook!

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I had no idea this would happen, I found out from my sweetie who was clicking around tonight and said, "hey, did you know...!" My newest book Total Flirt is free on Kindle right now! I've been informed that it is also temporarily free on Apple and for the Barnes and Noble Nook! Get it! It won't be free for long (I'm sure). This little book is much loved - it got its first translation within a month of release!

Enjoy! I adore you, dear readers! I know I don't get anything from the free downloads except to share my work with you, and that makes me soooo happy all on its own.

Here is a sample of the first ten pages:

About Violet Blue

Total Flirt author Violet Blue is a Forbes Web Celeb, SF Appeal contributor, ZDNet/CBSi sex and tech columnist, a high-profile tech personality and one of Wired's Faces of Innovation. She is regarded as the foremost expert in the field of sex and technology, a sex-positive pundit in mainstream media (MacLife,, The Oprah Winfrey Show, etc.) and is regularly interviewed, quoted and featured prominently by major media outlets (from ABC News and CNN to the Wall Street Journal). A published feature writer and columnist since 1998, Violet also has many award-winning, best selling books; her books are featured on Oprah's website. She was the notorious sex columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle. She headlines at conferences ranging from ETech, LeWeb and SXSW: Interactive, to Google Tech Talks at Google, Inc. The London Times named Blue one of the 40 bloggers who really count (2010). Violet Blue is in no way associated with the unauthorized use of her name (or likeness) and registered trademark in pornographic films.
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2 Responses to Get it Free While You Can: “Total Flirt” Free on Kindle, Apple and Nook!

  1. Kateweb says:

    Do you have an link for apple version I could not find it in the appstore , I can’t wait to read this.

  2. Harold says:

    @Kateweb: by “on Apple” Violet means in Apple’s book app, iBooks. They don’t have a Web interface so you’ll have to get it in the app.

    Install iBooks if you don’t have it already and search for Total Flirt. If it shows a Free button instead of a price, you got it in time. And for whatever reason (age check?) you still have to enter your password to buy it for free.

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