In March I got to give a huge presentation (600 chairs) on the main stage at music, film and technology conference SxSW 2011. It was called Sexual Survival for Geeks, and the talk was covered by NPR, CNN and other outlets – a success! Above, you can click through my slides.
Naturally, the talk had to include lots of tips on flirting and seducing geeks and nerds of all kinds, what to do when the flirting goes well (or not!) and plenty of advice on the practicalities of flirting and hooking up at a conference/festival. It was perfectly timed, as Total Flirt (the book) had just come out.
It went great! As bonus material for the talk I worked with erotica author Alison Tyler to create fun and flirty SxSW-themed erotica, and I wrote and podcast an entire tutorial on how to flirt with geeks. The flirting cheat sheet is aimed at geeks – people who are shy or ordinarily a bit (or a lot) socially awkward.
You can see all of the talk materials here on the SxSexy page, including both text and audio for How To Flirt With Geeks.
I was delighted to see that sex ed site for young men Hooking Up And Staying Hooked did a feature on the tutorial and tips, Flirting Tips For Geeks From Violet Blue. It’s a great site; highly recommended.